We are excited to offer Edgenuity as our online curriculum for students in grades 9-12. Edgenuity is a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with State, Common Core, NGSS, and iNACOL standards. Edgenuity offers a huge variety of A-G approved core classes at all grade and performance levels. Additionally, there are many electives to choose from including courses in Foreign Languages, the Arts, Social/Emotional Learning, Health and Fitness, and Career Pathways. Below you will find a few videos to help you get familiar with Edgenuity. There is also a link to the complete list of courses being offered.
In addition to the online curriculum, we will be offering opportunities for hands-on, immersive learning here at the Liberty campus. Students will have access to our Independent Study classroom for as many days of the week as they would like. We offer weekly opportunities for students to participate in Art Lessons, Cooking classes, Woodshop, and Science Labs. There will also be an option for students to participate in our Community Studies program which will include a monthly field trip related to in-class curriculum. Trips may include; Point Reyes National Seashore, Jack London State Park, The Bodega Bay Marine Lab, The Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, The Petaluma Creamery, Armstrong Woods, and many more. These trips will offer students an opportunity to explore the natural beauty of Sonoma County and to study the local ecology and geology. The students will also be exposed to various career opportunities available in our area.
Students who are more comfortable working only from home or have schedules that do not allow them to come to campus can complete all curriculum remotely.
It is our goal to create an individualized learning experience for each student that allows them to reach their maximum potential. We will work with students and families closely to create the optimal school experience for each student.
Individualized Learning Meets Student Needs
The Edgenuity Student Experience